2012年8月25日 星期六

Love & Hugs

相片: Tender moment shared between friends ♥

Roe Deer and Domestic Cat 

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Photographer: Vitaly Ktach

相片: The Black Swan is a large waterbird, a species of swan, which breeds mainly in the southeast and southwest regions of Australia. The species was hunted to extinction in New Zealand, but later reintroduced. Within Australia they are nomadic, with erratic migration patterns dependent upon climatic conditions. Black Swans are large birds with mostly black plumage and red bills. They are monogamous breeders that share incubation duties and cygnet rearing between the sexes.

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相片: The Protector ♥

Domestic Dog with Baby Rabbits

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黑冠鶴 又叫君子蘭起重機。
相片: The Black Crowned Crane 
It was once also called Kaffir Crane. It occurs in dry savannah in Africa south of the Sahara, although it nests in somewhat wetter habitats. Like all cranes, the Black Crowned Crane eats grass, insects, reptiles, and small mammals. It is endangered, especially in the west, by habitat loss and degradation.

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眯眯笑.. ^^
相片: smoooooooooooch ♥

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紅松鼠 貓鼬會suricates吃昆蟲蜥蜴類鳥類和水果
相片: Sharing the Love ♥

These gregarious animals are often seen in groups, and several families may live together in a large community. Squirrel-sized meerkats are mongooses famed for their upright posture. They often stand on their rear legs and gaze alertly over the southern African plains where they live. Mothers can even nurse their young while standing.

Meerkats (also called suricates) work together in numbers. A few will typically serve as lookouts, watching the skies for birds of prey, such as hawks and eagles, that can snatch them from the ground. A sharp, shrill call is the signal for all to take cover. While a few individuals guard the group, the rest busy themselves foraging for the foods that make up their varied diet. Meerkats will eat insects, lizards, birds, and fruit. When hunting small game, they work together and communicate with purring sounds. Meerkats are good hunters and are sometimes tamed for use as rodent-catchers.

Meerkat groups utilize several different burrows and move from one to another. Each burrow is an extensive tunnel-and-room system that remains cool even under the broiling African sun. Females give birth to two to four young each year in one of the group's burrows. Fathers and siblings help to raise meerkat young, teaching them to play and forage and alerting them to the ever present danger from above. Young meerkats are so fearful of predatory birds that even airplanes will send them diving for cover.

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相片: Meercats
Meerkats are primarily insectivores, but also eat lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, eggs, small mammals, millipedes, centipedes and, more rarely, small birds. Meerkats are immune to certain types of venom, including the very strong venom of the scorpions of the Kalahari Desert, unlike humans. They have no excess body fat stores, so foraging for food is a daily need. Meerkats forage in a group with one
相片: A young Australian sea lion is intrigued by its own reflection in the photographer's underwater camera.

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Photographer: Darren Jew
LOL 美女 ♥
相片: LOL cutie ♥
Domestic Dog

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" 噢,對不起我 burped.. 打嗝 "。
相片: "Oops, excuse me I burped."

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" 我不很明白你人類 "
磨貓頭鷹北部鋸 - 重複嘟嘟聲吹口哨。
相片: Northern Saw-Whet Owls
The Northern Saw-Whet Owl makes a repeated tooting whistle sound. Some say they sound like a saw being sharpened on a whetstone. They usually make these sounds to find a mate, so they can be heard more often April through June when they are looking for mates. Despite being more common in Spring, they do vocalize year round. Their range covers most of North America including Southeastern Alaska, Southern Canada, most of the United States and the central mountains in Mexico.

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寶貝魟 ♥(稱為 pup
相片: Baby Stingray ♥ (they are called pups)

Stingrays are usually very docile and curious, their usual reaction being to flee any disturbance but, they will sometimes brush their fins past any new object they encounter. Nevertheless, certain larger species may be more aggressive and should be approached with caution, as the stingray's defensive reflex (use of its poisoned stinger) may result in serious injury or death.

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我的朋友,分啲比我食吖... 好嗎 !
相片: "My friend, would you please share some with me?"

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相片: The Arctic fox is an incredibly hardy animal that can survive frigid Arctic temperatures as low as –58°F (-50°C) in the treeless lands where it makes its home. It has furry soles, short ears, and a short muzzle—all-important adaptations to the chilly climate. Arctic foxes live in burrows, and in a blizzard they may tunnel into the snow to create shelter. Arctic foxes have beautiful white (sometimes blue-gray) coats that act as very effective winter camouflage. The natural hues allow the animal to blend into the tundra's ubiquitous snow and ice. When the seasons change, the fox's coat turns as well, adopting a brown or gray appearance that provides cover among the summer tundra's rocks and plants.

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翠鳥練為奧運同步事件 ! ♥
相片: Kingfisher practicing for the Olympic Synchronize Fishing event? ♥

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Kiss Me !! ♥ ♥ ♥
相片: Kiss Me!! ♥ ♥ ♥

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珍貴 wee 羔羊
相片: Precious wee wooly lamb ♥

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相片: Beach baby elephant, enjoying some playtime in the water. ♥

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" 你們跟著我?說些什麼 !! "
相片: "Are you following me? Say Something!!"

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獰貓 小貓.. 在野生環境中的壽命12 年;
人工飼下 17 年。是出奇容易馴服..
相片: Caracal Kittens

The Caracal is distributed over Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan and India. Its chief habitat is dry steppes and semideserts, but it also inhabits woodlands, savannah, and scrub forest. They generally prefer open country, as long as there is sufficient cover, in the form of bushes and rocks, from which to ambush prey.

Its life expectancy in the wild is 12 years, and 17 years in captivity. The caracal may survive without drinking for a long period — the water demand is satisfied with the body fluids of its prey. Since it is also surprisingly easy to tame, it has been used as a hunting cat in Iran and India.

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" Hello New Friend, want to come swimming with us ? "
相片: "Hello New Friend, want to come swimming with us?"

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相片: Young Red Fox ♥

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相片: The African wild dog, also called Cape hunting dog or painted dog, typically roams the open plains and sparse woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa.

These long-legged canines have only four toes per foot, unlike other dogs, which have five toes on their forefeet. The dog's Latin name means

相片: Mute Swan family out for an afternoon of window shopping. ♥

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白鹿 Albino Deer
相片: Albino Deer

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相片: Pallas's cat, also called the manul, is a small wild cat having a broad but patchy distribution in the grasslands and montane steppe of Central Asia. The species is negatively impacted by habitat degradation, prey base decline, and hunting, and has therefore been classified as Near Threatened by IUCN since 2002.

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母獅與她的幼獅.. 溫柔的一瞬間。♥
相片: Lioness spending a tender moment with her cub. ♥

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相片: Pikas are native to cold climates, mostly in Asia, North America and parts of eastern Europe. Most species live on rocky mountain sides, where there are numerous crevices to shelter in, although some also construct crude burrows. A few burrowing species are instead native to open steppe land. In the mountains of Eurasia, pikas often share their burrows with snowfinches, which build their nests there

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相片: The love of a Mother is like no other ♥

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相片: The Magestic Eagle

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Photographer: John Williams
Wishing You ♥ Peace and Love ♥
相片: Wishing You ♥ Peace and Love ♥

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New Friend ♥
相片: New Friend ♥

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相片: The black squirrel is a melanistic subgroup of the Eastern Grey Squirrel. They are common in the Midwestern United States, Ontario, Quebec, parts of the Northeastern United States and Britain.

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